Why Choose Delivery?
It's free! You'll be charged the same cleaning prices as in-store customers
You don't need to be home - we pick up & deliver at your designated location
Billing is automatic and can be paperless - less worry & less waste
Track your orders and set the schedule with our mobile app
You can send us your garments, household items & even alterations and repairs
Our Delivery Areas

Home Delivery:
Choose your delivery frequency when you sign up
On your first service day, we'll bring you 2 reusable garment bags
Place your filled garment bag on your front porch (or other designated spot)
Your friendly delivery advisor will come by between 8am and 5pm
We professionally clean your clothing & household items as recommended by the care label
Most items are returned your next service day. Household items or garments that require extra attention may take longer
Use the mobile app to track your orders in real time!
Workplace Delivery:
Choose your delivery frequency when you sign up
On your first service day, we'll bring you 2 reusable garment bags
Place your filled garment bag in your company's designated location
Your friendly delivery advisor will come by between 8am and 5pm - we'll come when you're open
We professionally clean your clothing & household items as recommended by the care label
Most items are returned your next service day. Household items or garments that require extra attention may take longer
Use the mobile app to track your orders in real time!
Two Ways to Sign Up for Delivery!
Complete ONE of our two easy sign up methods to get started
Call (616) 842 - 6950
- Choose extension 2
- Talk with our Route Care Advisor